Musical Theater Classes

2021-22 Season

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What You’ll Learn

Sing Omaha’s Little Voices music & movement classes help your child develop:

  • Rhythm, Pitch, and Melody
  • Language Skills
  • Motor Coordination
  • Creative Expression
  • Imagination
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Preschool Readiness


At what age should we begin?
Research shows us that the first years of your child’s life are the most important for developing their musical abilities? So the earlier you begin your child’s music education the better.  Many parents start their kids at around six to eight months.

What ages do your programs serve?
The “Little Voices” classes serve children newborn to age four.

How often do we attend class?
Classes are given once a week.  Each class is forty five minutes.s

How many classes are in a session?
Fall, Winter, Spring sessions are 10 weeks long, Summer sessions are 6 weeks long.

How do I know if a teacher is good?
Sing Omaha’s staff are all degreed music educators. “Little Voices” teachers are all trained in “The Learning Groove” curriculum, and specialize in infant/toddler music education.

What do we do in a typical class?
In every class you will sing, dance, play instruments, laugh, listen, jam along, march, chant, clap, wiggle, make stuff up, pretend, use rich language to explore and expand your child’s amazing potential through the arts.

Do we get a CD to accompany the class?
Yes, you will receive an exceptional educationally designed music CD with every session. These are the songs you use in class. The music spans different genres from classical to rock and roll. We also include interactive poetry, drama and storytelling. Each unique CD contains a customized selection of key signatures, melodic patterns, tempos, rhythmic patterns, instruments and activities. In class, you learn the simple music enrichment activities that accompany the songs. Then, you listen to the CD at home to reinforce what you have learned.

How do young children learn music?
The most important learning strategy at this young age is the immersion and exposure to high quality music. Children learn by repetition, discovery, and playful practice.

What if I can’t sing a note?
You are your child’s primary music teacher. These classes are designed to teach and empower you to fulfill that role. We know you are busy so we are going to make it easy. All you need to do is fully participate in class (regardless of what your child is doing). In this way you will learn the songs and activities and become the role model for your child. Then continue this at home. It’s that simple.

How long should we attend music class?
The more sessions you take the more your child benefits.  This curriculum continues to introduce your child to new instruments, genres of music, new songs and classic children’s songs. Each session reinforces and builds upon the material learned in previous sessions.

What if my child just sits there?
They are smart and probably engaged in active observation. This is a valid and important form of learning. Many parents tell us their kids do not participate in class but then go home and do every song. This is fine, they are learning in their own way, you will find it will likely change week to week.

What if my child has special needs?
All children are welcomed. Contact Sing Omaha to let us know about your child’s special needs, and together we can determine strategies to best serve your child.

Can I simply attend on a drop in basis?
No, we do not offer this, as our classes are often full and consistency is important in the success of what we do.

What if I miss a class?
If you have to miss a class you may attend another class time, just contact your teacher ahead of time to ensure there is room in that class.

Session Details

9-Weeks • 45-mins/week
84th St. Studio Location

  • Fall 2019 – Week of September 9 – Week of November 4
    • Tuesdays 9:30am
    • Thursdays 6:00pm
  • Winter 2020 – Week of January 6 – Week of March 2
  • Spring 2020 – Week of March 23 – Week of May 18

Want to Check it Out?

We invite you to join us for a free demo class.

About The Teacher, Heidi Bush

Heidi Bush earned a bachelor’s degree in music education at Montana State University-Bozeman (MSU) in 2008, and a Master’s degree in music education from Boston University in 2011. While at MSU Heidi served as President for the Collegiate National Association for Music Education.

Heidi taught K-12 music in Montana for four years, and now serves Sing Omaha Studios as the Operations Manager. In addition to her educational responsibilities, she spends most of her time as a stay at home mom to two busy toddlers, Kyler and Kaia. She enjoys singing with the Sing Omaha Women’s Choir each week, and is grateful to be a member of Sing Omaha Studios’ voice and piano faculty, where she maintains an active roster of students. Learn More